June 14, 2021
Rhonda Hamilton – (240) 274-9436; info@healthydcandme.org
Cheromia Hightower – (202) 369-5033; advocates4mi@gmail.com
The Healthy DC & Me Leadership Coalition, Launches the Capital City Emergency “Level II” Trauma & Wellness Center Fundraiser Project to address Health Equity in Low-Income Communities of the District of Columbia.
“In the spirit & celebration of the 100 Year Anniversary of the shattering of Black Wall Street, this Juneteenth, 6/19/2021, we are not only celebrating the Preservation of Black Life,
but the preservation of All Lives!”
(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, the Healthy DC & Me Leadership Coalition spearheaded by President,
Dr. Rhonda L. Hamilton, together with a myriad of community leaders, organizers, small businesses, non-profit organizations, mental health professionals, medical advisors, many families & friends in and around the Nation’s Capital, announce their Juneteenth Day “kick-off” fundraiser “livestreamed’ musical event to be filmed “live” at the Harborside Hotel in the shadows of the historic “National Harbor”.
All are welcomed for what is slated to be the most celebrated community collaboration of talent, leadership, & advocacy focused on addressing the outpouring of trauma & socially economic challenges that are plaguing communities of color in the District of Columbia. Join Us at the Harborside Hotel, 6400 Oxon Hill Rd., Oxon Hill Md. 20745 June 19th, 2021, 4PM-10PM. Free Admission. Or get the livestream link below.
In the famous words of Mr. John Lewis,
“When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something!”
The unaddressed mental health realities, repetitive gun violent tragedies, lack of culturally appropriate resourcing, and the continuance loss of life warrants that accountable leadership and oversights be implemented on the community level to help bridge the gap of the noticeable and evident systemic voids in effective community programming and services across communities of color in D.C. Join the Healthy DC & Me Leadership Coalition as we celebrate the birth of the Capital City Emergency “Level II” Trauma & Wellness Center slated to be built in Ward 8 S.E. by the Spring of 2023 with a “state of the art” community outreach hub.
For Complete Event Details & to Register click the link:
For More Information: www.CapitalCityEmergency.org