July 30, 2024
Dr. Rhonda Hamilton – (240) 274-9436, advocates4mi@gmail.com
Ms. Cynthia L. Robinson – (301) 768-2101, cynlrob@aol.com
(WASHINGTON, DC) – American University, Malsi Doyle and Michael Forman Theater, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW.
Healthy DC & Me Leadership Coalition joins the 12th Annual Whistleblower Summit and Film Festival along with federal and local government whistleblowers from across the nation, to discuss the fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayer dollars, the violation of citizen “human & civil” rights, trickled down, failed government policies and the impact of imposed trauma, all which negatively affect America’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Healthy DC Leaders will convene a panel of professional advocates and community partners, moderated by its President, Dr. Rhonda L. Hamilton, with representations from the 2023-2024 DC Rotary Club President, World Championship Boxer, and Foster Care advocate Lisa P. Cohen, Bowie State University Professor, and Healthy DC’s lead Trauma Researcher Micheal McGee, Social Activist and Journalist Ahmar Mustikhan, Sincere Seven Executive Director, Workers Rights advocate, and Healthy DC Advisor Perry Redd.
“The mission is to build community and mutual support among whistleblowers and their advocates, connect whistle[1]blowing “free speech” to the first amendment, social justice activism, and the global civil and human rights movements, and celebrate whistleblowers and their significant contributions to culture, society and the world”.
Healthy DC’s ongoing efforts to hold DC and federal government legislators, elected and agency officials to higher ethical standards of governing and oversight continues to be elevated in an effort to help eradicate unhealthy outcomes for citizens navigating systemic cycles of failed governance.
Today at 12PM (EST) in the American University Forman Theater join Healthy DC Leaders as they continue to fight to raise the consciousness surrounding the impact of imposed systemic mental health diminishment, and trauma. The devastating impacts of local governmental failures regarding housing injustices, public safety challenges, economic, educational, and healthcare disparities which have all helped to disproportionately cripple citizens, especially those who live in marginalized and underserved communities, as well as have placed District government workers in toxic working environments, must end.
For more information: www.healthydcandme.org