Dr. Rhonda Hamilton – (240) 274-9436,
Ms. Cynthia L. Robinson – (301) 768-2101,
(WASHINGTON, DC) – Ward 2, John Wilson building at 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW – Healthy DC & Me Leadership Coalition and members from the community to meet with Committee on Housing Chairman, Councilmember Robert White to discuss the H.E.A.R.T. Act proposed housing legislation, and the C.E.A.S.E. Act legislative framework as a follow-up to the Monday, September 2, 2024 Labor Day Human & Civil Rights DC citizens’ protest that shut down traffic at the historic Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge roundabout in a peaceful demonstration by District residents and community leaders, to demand an end to the low standards in their housing, living, healthcare, safety, economic, and governing exposures. At 2:15PM today Healthy DC leaders will urge Councilmember White to responsibly commit to advancing the above noted citizen supported legislation, which seeks to eradicate the violation of rights for far too many District housed citizens.
Since 2021 leaders of the Healthy DC & Me Leadership Coalition have worked in various apartment communities on the ground across DC, attended DC Council housing hearings, and implemented the “Community Report Card” to help DC citizens to detail egregious living conditions and retaliatory behaviors that place District property owners and management representatives in violation of the Tenant Bill of Rights Act without proper legal enforcements.
As far back as January 27, 2022 Healthy DC Leadership has met with Councilmember Robert White, and released the following “press release” statement, “the violation of any human being’s rights is a travesty. The Healthy D.C. & Me Leadership Coalition is deeply concerned about a city, (District of Columbia), and a federal government that would not immediately act to enforce the law when American citizen’s human rights are knowingly being violated.”
On September 6, 2024, Fox 5 News quoted DC Councilmember Robert White’s concern for the collapse of for-profit developers of affordable housing in DC. Councilmember White stated, “one fear is that people could be put on the street if housing projects closed down.” Healthy DC leaders for the past three years have been calling for proper oversight from DC Council and government officials regarding property rich owners collecting market rate rent as well as subsidized state and federal housing funds for illegally maintained rental housing units which have continued to place many of the District’s residents’ health and well-being at risk.
Today, Healthy DC leaders will return to the Wilson Building to resume discussions with Councilmember Robert White to help the Councilmember with implementing proactive oversight and legislation that would impart proper leadership and care of the District’s ailing, rental housing communities.
Housing is healthcare and Healthy DC leaders are seeking to eradicate the low standards and reactionary governing responses that the current DC Mayor’s administration and elected officials have rendered in the wake of what Councilmember White says could result in District citizens being put on the street.
Passing the H.E.A.R.T. Act would help District housing oversight professionals to set healthy living standards for its tenant population as well as provide community level oversight to help deter the presence of illegally managed apartment rental communities. The nation’s capital and its taxpayers must not continue to be held hostage by missed opportunities to set laws that will redress the current failures of its housing system.
To learn more about the H.E.A.R.T. Act proposed housing legislation, and the C.E.A.S.E. Act legislative framework, click here: