August 29, 2024
Dr. Rhonda Hamilton – (240) 274-9436,
Ms. Cynthia L. Robinson – (301) 768-2101,
(WASHINGTON, DC) – Ward 2, “Human & Civil Rights DC Citizens’ Protest” at Freedom Plaza 1325 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (Across from the John Wilson Building) – Labor Day, Monday September 2, 2024 at 11:00 AM. “Special Guests”, Unity Healthcare physicians and workers, along with DC Circulator workers.
This Labor Day in the Nation’s Capital history will be made! Citizens from across DC who reside in communities where egregious housing conditions, and ongoing violations of the DC Tenants’ Right Act occur without proper oversight, and criminal enforcements for “property rich” owners from elected DC Officials, are standing up and speaking out, “No more low standards!” No more living in fear of property management retaliations, or with rodents, mold, the absence of hot water, broken pipes, violent and illegal crimes at their front door, threats of unlawful evictions, and landlord tenant processes that continue to rob them of their dignity.
Housing is healthcare! DC citizens are serving Mayor Muriel Bowser, every member of the DC Council, and the DC Attorney General with their “Community Oversight Manifesto” as a proactive means of having their human and civil rights acknowledged and respected. DC citizens will no longer accept inaction, and silent outcomes from the DC elected leaders regarding matters of life and death. DC citizens along with their community advocates are protesting this Labor Day, to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with Washington DC’s current elected leadership’s neglect of their poor-quality housing which is contributing to the myriads of negative healthcare outcomes that include chronic diseases, injuries, and poor mental health.
The significance of this Labor Day “Citizens’ Protest” embodies the recognition of lost equality and fairness for many of DC’s senior, marginalized, youth, and worker populations. Whether injustice with their housing, economic and healthcare disparities, public safety failures, mental wellness and lack of access to comprehensive and equitable outcomes, DC citizens come forward to demand that dangerously imposed trauma, lack of proper government oversights and accountability, systemically be reversed through amended, or newly drafted legislation and improved District core value principles and governing practices.
This Labor Day, DC citizens will unite together as one. Respecting the needs of all of DC’s citizens, higher standards will not only be set, but expected. DC citizens have made a plan to combat the systemic and discriminatory abuse that they believe will only “C.E.A.S.E.” with the implementation of their Civil, Equity, Ancestral, Safe, Environmental Act. (See legislative framework enclosed.)
As citizens gather on Freedom Plaza to recreate the spirit of the 19th century American workers who rallied and went on strike to demand better working conditions shorter workdays, and fair wages, so too will District citizens and workers protest for cleaner, safer, affordable, and legal housing, sustainable jobs, pathways to documented economic relief and health care services that will restore their rights and unhealthy living circumstances. The “C.E.A.S.E. Act” builds in community-level oversight that intends to remove the District’s ability to mismanage federal and taxpayer monies that are meant for the betterment of all of DC’s citizens. Join with DC citizens as they take back DC and set higher living standards unapologetically with the understanding that the power rests with the people.
Register today to attend the DC Labor Day “Citizens’ Protest” and plan to witness history in the making, on Freedom Plaza and then as DC citizens march down Pennsylvania Avenue to Nationals Park, proclaiming, “No More Low Standards”, DC! Public government is about the people, all of its people. Human & Civil Rights Protest – Healthy DC & Me (