5 Reasons to Give to Mental Health America
MHA Admin
Thu, 12/01/2022 – 12:51
I’ve worked in the nonprofit sector for over 15 years, and my family knows my passion for giving back. They always joke every holiday season by asking me, “So, who are we donating to this year?” They listen as I explain why they should donate to a specific charity.
This year I’ve been grateful for Mental Health America and suggested they consider MHA when making their holiday donation. Yes, I am biased, but I genuinely believe in the organization I work for!
Here are the five reasons everyone should consider donating to MHA this holiday season.
1. Fight stigma
At Mental Health America, we choose to fight in the open – and everyone should feel like they can. Individuals are often afraid to speak out and get the help they need, fearing being mocked or called weak for seeking help. We are working hard to fight the stigma and educate people that mental health is health. Everyone has mental health, and your donation will help us further educate the public that they, too, can fight in the open.
2. Provide hope
Earlier this year, when speaking with a donor, she reminded me that Mental Health America is hope for many. Hope is a powerful feeling. For so many of us, we hope for a future where mental health is treated as a priority. What better way to provide hope to the 1 in 5 individuals who will face a diagnosable mental health condition in their lifetime than donating and turning hope into help.
3. Support our top-notch public education resources
This year I am particularly passionate about our public education resources. As I navigated my first year as a new parent, I often needed resources to check in on myself and watch for signs of postpartum depression. One of the best places to learn about maternal mental health was MHA’s public education resources. I read all our webpages filled with resources and even shared one of our amazing webinars with my husband, The New Dad Experience & Mental Health. They were invaluable for us and are for so many individuals seeking education on mental health. Public education is imperative, and with your support, we can reach even more individuals and cover more topics.
4. Screening saves lives
Did you know it costs Mental Health America, on average, $1.25 to provide a free clinically validated screening? Now picture this: Your $20 donation could be what helps your loved one realize they need support. It’s powerful to realize just how impactful your contribution is. In 2022, we screened over 5 million help-seeking individuals. Your donation can ensure we can continue to support every single one of them.
5. Giving makes you happy
One of the best reasons to donate to Mental Health America is simply because giving feels good. Studies have shown giving can actually be good for our mental health – by donating and sharing gratitude, we release oxytocin. In fact, some health benefits associated with giving include increased self-esteem, lower stress levels, and greater happiness.
My hope is that you find a way this holiday season to take care of your own mental health. And, if you are able, please consider providing that hope to others by donating to Mental Health America.