Watch recap of the 2023 Mental Health America Policy Institute
MHA Admin
Wed, 06/07/2023 – 11:50
On June 6, Mental Health America conducted its 2023 National Policy Institute: Tweens, Teens and Technology in Washington, D.C. The program explored policies that, if adopted, would support adolescent mental health and healthy behaviors online and eliminate manipulation and harmful behavior online. Experts discussed risk and protective factors for youth using social media, video gaming, and virtual reality.
Participants included Nora Volkow, Ph.D., director of the National Institutes of Drug Abuse; Mitch Prinstein, Ph.D., chief science officer at the American Psychological Association; Monica Anderson, director of research at Pew Research Center; Fred Dillon, head of advisory Services at Hopelab; Megan Moreno, M.D., chief medical officer at the Center of Excellence for Adolescent Social Media Use; and Juan Acosta, youth advocate.