DC’s Current Administration, to include the Office of the Mayor, Attorney General, and Members of the DC Council continue to fail low-income, and marginalized citizens in Ward 8, Southeast DC!
November 6, 2023
Dr. Rhonda Hamilton – (240) 274-9436, advocates4mi@gmail.
Ms. Cynthia L. Robinson – (301) 768-2101, cynlrob@aol.com
(WASHINGTON, DC) – DC’s Current Administration, to include the Office of the Mayor, Attorney General, and Members of the DC Council continue to fail low-income, and marginalized citizens in Ward 8, Southeast DC!
Join the “Marbury Plaza Tenants United for Change” today at 10:30 a.m. (EST), as they rally in front of the John Wilson building located at, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, to demand transparency, proper oversight, and accountability from DC’s elected officials for their continued failure and negligence regarding slumlord conditions that have left tax paying, voting, and under-served District citizens living with inhabitable conditions. Why, they’ve asked their Ward 8 Councilmember Trayon White, have they been left to live in such squalor for so long without an acceptable remedy, or without effective city enforcements?
They’ve asked At-Large Councilmember, and Chairperson of the Housing Committee, Robert White for a basic understanding of why their landlord, MP PPH LLC, has been allowed to violate their TOPA rights without any recourse to the many suffering elderly, subsidized, and uninformed tenants. White informed members of the Marbury Plaza tenant association that he himself was not that “well versed” on TOPA, as he attempted to “pass the buck” by telling them along with their advocates, that the Council’s hands were tied. Additionally, White was informed that the tenants have also shared their frustrated and disappointed accounts with Mr. Matthew Meyer in the DC Office of Attorney General, who has failed to provide the tenants with a detailed account of when and how the “outstanding” and in many cases, life threatening repairs, and security concerns that they are living with would be addressed. Meyer further informed the Tenant Association President, Ms. Barbara Cooper, that he was not that familiar with the Bankruptcy proceedings, and that MP PPH LLC, had been long expected to utilize the “loophole”, which allowed the “ tenant’s TOPA rights process to be eluded.
Marbury Plaza tenants would like to know how much longer District citizens are supposed to remain as “sacrificial pawns” to a failed system of governance, that lacks competent, and proper oversights on matters regarding safe, clean, and habitable housing, that continues to negatively impact their living and their mental health.
Why does the DC Tenant Bill of Rights seem to only be an effective tool when used by the OAG’s office to tout “headline” grabbing accounts? Why is it okay for the Mayor to have ignored these tenants many, consistent “cries” for help? Why should these tenants continue to accept sub-par responses to matters as serious as those that even the DC Court system has recognized as being egregious? How can low-income and subsidized citizens of this District overcome health, economic, and educational disparities in the face of “gentrified” agendas that leave them “begging” for basic and humane systems that won’t keep their well-being at risk? Months after the end of a global pandemic Marbury Plaza tenants, as well as other District residents are faced with cruel, dismissive, unaccountable bureaucratic processes from officials that continue to fail its citizens regarding matters of public safety, drug policy reform, access to comprehensive mental health resources, as well as homelessness. Enough is enough! #mentalhealthmatters!
In a city where dogs, sports teams, and real estate, seem to garner Mayor Bowser’s attention above the proper health, and wellness of its most valuable assets, its citizens, there’s no wonder over 300,000 registered District voters have become unengaged in voting. Healthy DC citizens and youths must have clean, stable, and sustainable housing free from slumlord realities, in order to survive. Where is the proper justice for so many failed policies, oversights, and programs? Many DC residents are questioning the effectiveness of the Chairperson of the DC Council, as well as the OAG’s Social Justice division? Join the Marbury Plaza tenants as they fight for their dignity and for the right to be heard! Marbury Tenants need your voices! Join us today at 10:30 a.m. (EST) Don’t let your fellow citizens stand alone!